Restaurant Loans
Even the most established restaurants may need extra cash to expand; therefore, business owners often look for loans to have more money on hand for upgrades. Many restaurant owners often run into issues with the bank and are either denied or not provided the capital they need.
Find out what you can borrow, in seconds
Types of Restaurant Loans
Small Business Loans
$5,000 to $1,000,000
Equipment Financing
and Leasing
Need to Finance or Lease New Equipment for your Restaurant?
Up to $1,000,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed dui vitae justo porttitor elementum ac at orci. Vivamus scelerisque, sem vel lobortis iaculis, sapien odio pretium ipsum, eget lobortis nisl quam nec augue. Ut fermentum feugiat elit vitae ultricies. Nam aliquam bibendum accumsan. Duis accumsan nisi quis iaculis consequat. Curabitur odio arcu, varius ut venenatis nec, porttitor ac eros. Cras scelerisque ut arcu ac finibus. Sed sit amet porta lacus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed dui vitae justo porttitor elementum ac at orci. Vivamus scelerisque, sem vel lobortis iaculis, sapien odio pretium ipsum, eget lobortis nisl quam nec augue. Ut fermentum feugiat elit vitae ultricies. Nam aliquam bibendum accumsan. Duis accumsan nisi quis iaculis consequat. Curabitur odio arcu, varius ut venenatis nec, porttitor ac eros. Cras scelerisque ut arcu ac finibus. Sed sit amet porta lacus.

How Restaurant Business Loans Can Help You
Operating a restaurant in the post-Covid era has added many new challenges for business owners. However, it has opened-up new opportunities as well. What has not changed is the need for restaurant owners to manage cash flow and access to capital to keep their business running smoothly. No matter how good your food and service are, if you can’t manage cash flow, you are likely to fail. Finding and maintaining a relationship with a consistent source of lending is imperative. You are likely to get funding from a source that you have successfully borrowed from in the past than any other source.
Marketing and Partnerships
- Restaurant loans can help you establish powerful strategic marketingalliances
- Use loan proceeds to establish affiliate programs for social media influencersand professional promoters that can shape your restaurants image online
Increase Your Buying Power
- Paying cash and buying in advance can be a powerful incentive for the vendordiscounts
- Using a restaurant business loan to prepay ahead of the holiday season couldhelp to reduce the cost of supplies substantially
Attract and Retain Restaurant Staff
- Restaurant loans can help you establish powerful strategic marketingalliances
- Use loan proceeds to establish affiliate programs for social media influencersand professional promoters that can shape your restaurants image online
Maintaining Restaurant Equipment
- Restaurant loans can help you establish powerful strategic marketingalliances
- Use loan proceeds to establish affiliate programs for social media influencersand professional promoters that can shape your restaurants image online
Possibilities for your business
iCAPITAL has funded hundreds of restaurants through restaurant business loans, equipment leasing programs and merchant cash advances. While many restaurant owners have similar needs, each has unique circumstances that often call for customized, and sometimes hybrid business loan solutions. In many cases, these circumstances do not meet the criteria for a conventional bank business loan. At iCAPITAL you will have access to a live loan specialist that has extensive experience finding tailored loan programs for restaurant owners.
Leader in Restaurant Funding
Years of experience with hundreds of restaurant owners
Customized Funding Programs
Lending programs that start with your specific needs
Apply in Minutes
Apply without obligation or cost and get a decision the same day
Dedicated Funding Manager
Deal directly with a live specialist with experience in restaurant funding
Transparent Terms
Easy-to-understand repayment plans and no collateral requirements
Highly-Rated, Highly-Trusted
4.8 rating in Trust Pilot
Restaurant Business Resources
The iCapital Businesss Loan Insider blog is full of timely articles that will help youunderstand some of the challenges faced by many restaurant owners like yourself. From new products for restaurant business loans, to emerging trends and regulation, iCapital is engaged in the business of restaurant ownership at many levels.If you have a story idea you would like to share or want us to cover specific topic such as restaurant business funding, restaurant operations or marketing, let us know and we will try to add it to an upcoming article or social media post.

Upgrading Bar or Restaurant Equipment to Stay Competitve
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed dui vitae justo porttitor elementum ac at orci. Vivamus scelerisque, sem vel lobortis iaculis, sapien odio pretium ipsum, eget lobortis nisl quam nec augue. Ut fermentum feugiat elit vitae ultricies. Nam aliquam bibendum accumsan. Duis accumsan nisi quis iaculis consequat. Curabitur odio arcu, varius ut venenatis nec, porttitor ac eros. Cras scelerisque ut arcu ac finibus. Sed sit amet porta lacus.
Upgrading Bar or Restaurant Equipment to Stay Competitve
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed dui vitae justo porttitor elementum ac at orci. Vivamus scelerisque, sem vel lobortis iaculis, sapien odio pretium ipsum, eget lobortis nisl quam nec augue. Ut fermentum feugiat elit vitae ultricies. Nam aliquam bibendum accumsan. Duis accumsan nisi quis iaculis consequat. Curabitur odio arcu, varius ut venenatis nec, porttitor ac eros. Cras scelerisque ut arcu ac finibus. Sed sit amet porta lacus.

Upgrading Bar or Restaurant Equipment to Stay Competitve
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed dui vitae justo porttitor elementum ac at orci. Vivamus scelerisque, sem vel lobortis iaculis, sapien odio pretium ipsum, eget lobortis nisl quam nec augue. Ut fermentum feugiat elit vitae ultricies. Nam aliquam bibendum accumsan. Duis accumsan nisi quis iaculis consequat. Curabitur odio arcu, varius ut venenatis nec, porttitor ac eros. Cras scelerisque ut arcu ac finibus. Sed sit amet porta lacus.