Alternative Loans and Financing for Restaurants

Successful owner standing at cafe entrance

Restaurants employ over 15 million people in the United States, with projected annual sales topping $863 billion. Outshine your competition and feed your restaurant’s growth with up to $1,000,000 in funding from iCapital Funding in just 24 hours.

How To Prepare For Small Business Saturday 2021

Small business

National Small Business Week was officially the week of September 13, 2021. But for many small business owners and consumers, the idea of shop small is becoming a priority year-round. This year, Small Business Saturday is on November 27, 2021. Retailers and independent businesses hoping to cash-in on local civic pride should start to prepare to market their local presence.

Liquor Store Inventory Financing For 2022

Waitress ordering products by digital tablet

Liquor store financing is vital to owning a wine and spirits small business. In many states, liquor store owners are compelled by law to pay for merchandise within thirty days. In some states like Florida, that payment horizon is ten days.

Real-World Tips for Business Financing

Contemporary Business Owner

Supply chain uncertainty has become a major concern for many small business owners. It’s also a growing reason that many companies are seeking business loans in 2021. Business financing for the purposes of ensuring an adequate and timely supply of goods

How a Merchant Cash Advance Can Boost Your Business

great news

When it comes to business investments, the options sometimes seem limitless. For some entrepreneurs, though, cash flow remains a constant struggle. Merchant cash advance loans can provide a substantial boost when you need it most.

How to Re-Open Your Small Business Safely After Covid-19

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Vaccines are on the rise, and cases are down, which means people will be coming out of their homes and looking for that in-store experience they’ve craved for over a year. With cities all over the country lifting Covid-19 restrictions